If you need any assistance with your integration, we are always happy to assist! Please find the details for requesting tech support below.
OGOship has created free-to-use integrations for the most used online store platforms. The integrations are always updated for the latest version of the online store platform. When the online store software is updated, OGOship strives to update the integration module to work with the latest version of the platform.
Who installs the integration?
The main responsibility for integrating the online store to myOGO is with the online retailer. OGOship provides the integration module free of charge, usable as it is. The online retailer is free to modify the integration module according to their needs.
What if there is a problem when integrating?
The main responsibility for installing the integration is with the online retailer. OGOship provides instructions to install the integration between the online store and myOGO. Primarily we recommend a service provider as an installation aid that knows how to work with the online store in question. OGOship also offers aid for installation problems upon request. If you need a consultation with an integration please contact service@ogoship.com. Please read the terms of the consultation before contacting.
What if the integration stops working or a problem occurs?
The main responsibility for integrating and maintaining the integration is with the online retailer. In case of a problem, we strongly recommend that the person who has installed or developed the online store tries 1st to solve the problem. OGOship also offers aid for installation problems. If you need a consultation regarding an integration please contact service@ogoship.com. Please read the terms of the consultation before contacting us.
Terms for Integration Consultation
- OGOship provides consultation for installing the integration between the online store and myOGO. The fee for consultation is 129€/h (VAT 0%). Minimum billing: 10 minutes. We will always inform you if charges will apply before actual work is started.
- In case the problem is due to the customer's own online store platform or another installed plug-in etc., OGOship charges the consultation fee according to the actual work.
- In case the problem is caused by OGOship's integration plug-in/module, OGOship will not charge the cost of the consultation and will update the integration module as soon as possible within normal software development work.